“Samuel said (to King Saul), although you were once small in your own eyes, did you not become the head of the tribes of Israel? The Lord anointed you King over Israel” – 1 Samuel 15:17 NIV
After 7+ years working as a multimedia developer I’m ready for a new job. One thing I like about working for a large company is that just about anything I’m interested in we have a department that does that. My desire to work professionally as a creative led me to leave IT seven years ago and move into Learning & Development. I’d like to finally make use of my MBA in Marketing and move to one of the many marketing teams. I’m also looking for a job that would give me the opportunity to travel abroad.
Browsing the internal job postings I ran across a position in international product development that met almost all of my criteria. I looked at the job several times and each time the negative whispers would start. “They’re probably looking for someone younger, cooler, with international experience. They would never consider you!”
Each time I’d close the internal job posting site and not apply. But the job was exactly what I’d been looking for. The only drawback was that it would be a lateral move for me which typically means no raise…and I could definitely use a raise.
I kept looking at the posting and because it stayed on my mind I decided to apply. I think the position closed around the first of February. I didn’t hear anything from the hiring manager for over a month and I assumed I didn’t get an interview.
Over a month later I get a call from the hiring manager who’d been out of the country asking to schedule an interview. I interviewed on a Wednesday and on Friday I got an offer letter in email from HR.
Seeing ourselves as little in our own eyes – self-doubt – is common to all of us but don’t park there. Move forward. Try anyway. Go for It! It could be that God’s thoughts for us on the issue are bigger that what we can see. We will never find out if we don’t take go for it.
“For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts” – Isaiah 55:9 NLT